Sunday, December 28, 2014

The man - again

I stay curled. Nothing haunts me like my own mind. Thoughts which are nothing but endless streams of recollections - broken, bleached, rusted collections.

When i am alone, the man wakes up - looks around, is disgusted - steers a look at the man - within whom he resides - i give him a faint smile. Is that the best you can do?

When i am alone, i feel i am not. For   theres my conceit, my deception - my misguided life, standing, staring.  Is this all you sum up to?

Did i have 10 minutes of pure emotion this year?
Was i awake for even 5 minutes during this entire ordeal?
Everyday i feel i am completely finished, and then there's the next.

Then there's this beastly longing, this long for answers - an order among all the chaos - a center - for i am but a planet yo-yoing around in empty space without a sun - without gravity. I am but into an infinite free fall - there's a dull, soft thud - the lights are switched off.. The man curls back - turns around - to sleep


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