The cold steel was at my heart.. My heart..If that's what you call the beating red thing..the sword hilt in my hand as i creaked it right through the cage that held it.
I had stabbed myself
I was falling
Abandoning the world i didn't want to come back to..
I heard the wind lull me to i fell, felt as she touched my lips to hear that last gasp...
as gravity , too tired of sucking. ...
refused to accept me..
gave up on me..
i was there..
In between..
There was no death, where there was no life.
My joy of dying was short lived..there are some who die happy.. there are some who are happy at the thot of dying and there are those in between - not knowing - not knowing
I did hear Dante reciting his Canto 9 to me:
O you possessed of sturdy intellects,the teaching that is hidden here
sotto 'l velame de li versi strani.
beneath the veil of verses so obscure.
I was beneath and above the verses so obscure
Inferno-Purgatorio-Pardiso ..
haha Parody or so?
I had stabbed myself
I was falling
Abandoning the world i didn't want to come back to..
I heard the wind lull me to i fell, felt as she touched my lips to hear that last gasp...
as gravity , too tired of sucking. ...
refused to accept me..
gave up on me..
i was there..
In between..
There was no death, where there was no life.
My joy of dying was short lived..there are some who die happy.. there are some who are happy at the thot of dying and there are those in between - not knowing - not knowing
I did hear Dante reciting his Canto 9 to me:
O you possessed of sturdy intellects,the teaching that is hidden here
sotto 'l velame de li versi strani.
beneath the veil of verses so obscure.
I was beneath and above the verses so obscure
Inferno-Purgatorio-Pardiso ..
haha Parody or so?