He was inconsolable tat night..
he wept like never before..
A chunk of him was dead tat night..
a sight never seen before..
travelling away from the city he was born..
this city had given him everything..defined who he was..
tonite it took away everything..and it didn`t blink once...
he cried for his love..
he moaned all alone..
A loner for life was wat lay before..
the endless road..
the sunless sky..
a surge of despair and pain..
of shrieks and and a life in vain..
the world flashed by ..
he wept like never before..
A chunk of him was dead tat night..
a sight never seen before..
travelling away from the city he was born..
this city had given him everything..defined who he was..
tonite it took away everything..and it didn`t blink once...
he cried for his love..
he moaned all alone..
A loner for life was wat lay before..
the endless road..
the sunless sky..
a surge of despair and pain..
of shrieks and and a life in vain..
the world flashed by ..