Sunday, January 27, 2008


M is me
M is Maa
M is Mumbai

One letter and my entire life. I myself never realized that a single letter can have such unfathomable impact in my existence. Well to start of M for me, I , me , myself , something I can never dream of living without, coz I need a companion that is myself. Me is a very significant word for me as I am an egotist. I am my best friend. The second M “Maa” my mom without whom my subsistence on this blue planet was not possible. Maa, my mom without whom I can’t even think. I can’t even be. I can’t even survive. Mom to me is a great strength, a strength that keeps me going in rough times, on bumpy roads of my life and when my heart sinks , she is the light I see at the end of the tunnel, the hand which pulls me out of mess. The goddess of love, of peace and of learning she’s everything to me. M for Mumbai. Aamchi Mumbai , Mumbai can be divided into mum that is mom, baa that is mom in Gujrati and aai (bai) that’s mom in marathi. The mother of a million Mumbaikars living in this city. “I am the city and this city is me” everyone here can proudly say that. Because everyone realizes that the city cannot be complete without them. From the road side paanwallah to the richest diamond merchant, from the taxi driver to the pilot. From Mantralay to Crawford market from the stock exchange to the chor bazaar. Everyone, every street, every corner, every nukkad is buzzing with some or the other activity. It is this tireless attitude of the city that I and every Mumbaikar is proud of. It is this undying spirit that the city has imbibed in me and given me. Hence I am incomplete without this bay BOMBAY. Cheers !!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

for u stupid fools.........

I am not judged by my thirst = to deceive
I feel no guilt and I have no time to know
The suffering I wrap around others A
cunning web to deceit To improve my
status among the mortals I am eternal
contradiction And a made up miracle
Yet I feast upon your feeble illusions
You are all so easy to conceive and
manipulate Do you think I was born
under a shinning star Ha he he I burst
of arrogance Is their no end of your
stupidity I was spawned in the filth of
your conscience Nurtured by your crave
for something holy I am a product of your
imagination My wealth is measured by your
ignorance These are indeed crowned days
When the weak of heart and mind inhabit
the earth Fear me earthling I am your mouth
We are born to weed you all out I am set for
eternity Self centered = I hardly see any of
you And still you fools keep me alive I have
not been updated for centuries I live in your
feeble mind And in the filthy pages of the
lined writings of pride Born in the ghetto of
the human mind Enduring all ages of this world
For as long at you stay arrogant and ignorant
I will live on the safe and secure For I am
eternal contradiction.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

no time

aye guys ,, readin this piece f shit ,, no time to update ,,
well had written a coupla lines but da book got lost so ... with da book
so ciao onc i hav time,,


Knowledge is Eternity .